Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia – Freeport merupakan perusahaan tambang mineral afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) dan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (Inalum). PTFI menambang serta memproses bijih menghasilkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas, dan perak.
Kami memasarkan konsentrat keseluruh penjuru dunia & terutama ke smelter tembaga dalam negeri, PT Smelting. Kami beroperasi didataran tinggi terpencil diPengunungan Sudirman, Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua Indonesia. Tambang dikawasan mineral Grasberg, Papua, Indonesia adalah salah satu deposit tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia.
Dalam mencari kerja tentu saja Anda ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan yang terbaik. Namun, seringkali, tanpa disadari, Anda bisa saja melakukan kesalahan yang dapat menghambat keberhasilan Anda. Apa saja sih kesalahan dalam pencarian kerja yang patut dihindari? Berikut beberapa ulasannya :
Typo – Kesalahan yang satu ini termasuk kesalahan yang tergolong sederhana. Namun, bisa fatal akibatnya apabila Anda kerap melakukannya dalam proses penulisan resume.
Untuk menghindarinya Anda mungkin dapat memeriksa tulisan di CV berulang kali sebelum mengirim lamaran ke perusahaan idaman. Bila perlu, mintalah bantuan teman-teman untuk membaca ulang isi resume yang telah Anda buat.
Kurang riset dan promosi diri – Dua hal penting dalam pencarian kerja adalah melakukan riset tentang posisi yang dilamar, serta promosi diri Anda agar menarik bagi perusahaan. Tanpa keduanya, sulit bagi perusahaan untuk menemukan Anda. Buatlah akun LinkedIn maupun blog yang berisi konten-konten informatif karya Anda. Dengan demikian, perusahaan dapat melihat nilai tambah Anda dibandingkan para kandidat lain.
Tertarik untuk bekerja di PT Freeport Indonesia ? Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia
Dibutuhkan :
1. Manyar Smelter Project – Environment Engineer
Job brief :
- Environment Engineer is respponsible in in providing technical support and guidance for Environmental projects and programs at assigned site.
Role Spesific Competencies :
- Additional certification or licensure appropriate to the job may be required or preferred (examples include: HAZWOPER, Method 9, DOT, EMS Auditor, Asbestos, Water Treatment Operator, or CHMM)
- Knowledge of environmental compliance, permitting, incident investigating and reporting protocols
- Strong customer service focus and interpersonal skills (negotiating, problem-solving, and knowledge-sharing).
- Mastery of computer skills sufficient to maintain a database, prepare reports and presentations of results.
- Skilled in following safety practices and recognizing hazards
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia (proficient fluency) and English (at least intermediate fluency).
- Ability to work independently and with teams.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, Earth Science or related Natural Science (such as Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Hydrology, Forestry, Agriculture, Meteorology, Environmental/Natural Resource Management), or Mathematics/Computer Science including Accounting and Finance, Business Management or other Bachelor’s degree
- Previous experience in the similar role at project and operation area, 3 years
2. Manyar Smelter Project – Superintendent, Production Accounting & Forecasting
Job brief :
- The Production Accounting & Forecasting Superintendent is responsible to lead a team of staff and technicians in providing metallurgical balance computation, all production reporting, compliance reporting requirements, and execute production forecasting function for the Manyar Smelter and PMR organization. Production accounting is an essential to the organization to ensure reporting that are consistent with international metal balance standards and standard accounting practices. Production forecasting is also crucial as it aligns production plans between the mine, the mill, and the smelter.
Role Specific Competencies :
- Metal/Production Accounting expertise in mining and metal processing facilities.
- Experience in the installation and use of production accounting balancing software that provides objective balancing approach.
- Knowledge of metal accounting industry standards and experience in its implementation. To act as the designated Competent Person on metal accounting for the organization.
- Exposure to managing the interface with key stakeholders of various background and priorities.
- Integrated Strategic Planning in a complex work environment. Good understanding of each major nodes in the mining and metals processing industry.
- Experienced in the development and implementation of Production Key Performance Indicator system (reports, dashboards, etc.)
- Influencing without control – providing feedback to the laboratory, metallurgy/process engineering, operations, and maintenance team on a regular basis.
- Complex data management and analysis. Storytelling with data. Objective communication to stakeholders based on sound analysis of technical data. Advanced in technical writing.
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in an Engineering discipline or related field.
- (Preferable) Master’s degree in Business Administration, Accounting, or Mineral Economics.
- Extensive experience (>10 years) in the setup and leading a production accounting and forecasting team.
- Preferable: experience working in Smelters and Precious Metals Refineries.
- Adept in general process engineering.
- Experience in design and implementation (>5 years) of safety systems that may include Fatal Risk/Critical Risk Management principles.
- Experienced in operational readiness efforts leading up to commissioning and start up.
- Experience in big data management and analysis.
3. Manyar Smelter Project – Superintendent, Metallurgical and Process Engineering
The Purpose of The Role :
- The Metallurgical and Process Engineering Superintendent is responsible to lead the metallurgy team within the Manyar Smelter organization in providing process engineering expertise, direction, and leadership in daily optimization and continous improvement projects, all in collaboration with other teams/departments within the organization such as Operations, Maintenance, and others.
Role Specific Competencies :
- Process engineering and operational experience in flash smelting, hydrometallurgy, acid plant, desalination, effluent treatment, precious metal refinery.
- Exposure to managing the external interface with key stakeholders.
- Integrated Strategic Planning in a complex work environment.
- Influencing without control – providing technical expertise to operations and maintenance team support the Smelter & PMR. Possess a combination of technical expertise and practical field experience to be able to provide effective influence on operators, technicians, and other field workers.
- Adept at scenario planning and Risk Mitigation to ensure Business continuity.
- Adept at complex project portfolio management.
- Complex data management and analysis. Storytelling with data. Objective communication to stakeholders based on sound analysis of technical data. Advanced in technical writing.
- Experienced in developing automation cookbooks and working with process control engineers in developing and fine-tuning logic controls.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in an Engineering discipline or related field, preferably in Metallurgical Engineering or Chemical Engineering. (Preferable) Master’s degree in Engineering discipline or Operational/Engineering Management.
- Extensive experience (>10 years) in leading a Metallurgical/Process Engineering Technical Team.
- Experience working in Smelters and Precious Metals Refineries (>10 years preferable).
- Adept at project portfolio management.
- Experienced in design and implementation of safety systems that may include Fatal Risk/Critical Risk Management principles (>5 years preferable).
- Experience in operational readiness efforts leading up to commissioning and start up.
- Experience in big data management and analysis.
- Experience in application of Agile principles.
4. Manyar Smelter Project – Superintendent, Analytical Laboratory
The Purpose of The Role :
- The Analytical Laboratory Superintendent is responsible in leading a team of chemists and technicians in conducting sampling, sample assays and chemical analyses, and laboratory equipment maintenance in support of the Manyar Smelter and Precious Metal Refinery production activities.
- The laboratory is a crucial part of the operations in providing metal content analyses to the operations as a basis for decision making on operational optimization.
Role Specific Competencies :
- Expertise in proper sampling techniques of copper concentrate, hot metal, refining hydrometallurgical samples, slurry, and gases.
- Expertise in the analytical techniques to measure metal and impurities content in a smelting and refining process, which include the use of XRF, AAS, ICP, Carbon/Sulphur Analyzer, and others.
- Expertise in advanced Quality Assurance and Quality Control techniques, including the use of advanced Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to ensure data integrity. Experience in implementation and maintaining the relevant ISO certification for laboratory operations.
- Expertise in the safe and environmentally compliant laboratory operations, including proper handling of hazardous waste based on relevant internal and regulatory requirements.
- Advanced leadership experience in managing a large laboratory team.
- Exposure to managing the interface with key stakeholders of various background and priorities.
- Influencing without control – providing feedback to the production accounting, metallurgy/process engineering, operations, and maintenance team on a regular basis.
- Complex data management and analysis. Storytelling with data. Objective communication to stakeholders based on sound analysis of technical data. Advanced in technical writing.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry discipline or related field. Preferable Master’s degree in Business Administration, Accounting, or Mineral Economics.
- >10 years experience in the setup and leading a large laboratory team.
- Preferable to have working experience in Smelters and Precious Metals Refineries environment.
- >5 years experience in design and implementation of safety systems that may include Fatal Risk/Critical Risk Management principles.
- Experienced in operational readiness efforts leading up to commissioning and start up.
- Experienced in big data management and analysis.
- Experienced in application of Agile principles.
5. Manyar Smelter Project – Senior Environmental Engineer
Job brief :
- Senior Environmental Engineer is responsible in providing engineering technical expertise, guidance and leadership for Environmental projects and programs at assigned site.
Role Spesific Competencies :
- Additional certification or licensure appropriate to the job may be required or preferred
- Knowledge of environmental compliance, permitting, incident investigating and reporting protocols
- Able to research and analyze information of considerable difficulty and draw valid conclusions
- Skilled in managing large/complex environmental projects
- Ability to evaluate and implement new methods and techniques for operational improvement
- Able to analyze a wide range of soil, water and air samples to recognize potential environmental hazards
- Ability to develop and maintain awareness of occupational hazards and safety precautions
- Skilled in following safety practices and recognizing hazards
- Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, Earth Science or related Natural Science (such as Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Hydrology, Forestry, Agriculture, Meteorology, Environmental/Natural Resource Management), or Mathematics/Computer Science including Accounting and Finance, or Business Management, or other Bachelor’s degree and five (5) years of related experience
- OR Master’s degree in a related field and three (3) years of related experience
6. Manyar Smelter Project – Lead, Community Liaison and Stakeholder Engagement
Job brief :
- Lead, Community Liaison and Stakeholder Engagement is responsible in engaging with stakeholders in a systematic way, coordinating with business partners on engagement efforts, and documenting engagement as outlined in the Social Performance Management System’s Stakeholder Engagement Standard and related SOPs.
Role Spesific Competencies :
- Certified in Social baseline , stakeholder Mapping
- Strong customer service focus and interpersonal skills (negotiating, problem-solving, and knowledge-sharing).
- Mastery of computer skills sufficient to maintain a database of engagement with stakeholders and prepare reports and presentations of results.
- Ability to work on issues that may lead to conflict or be emotionally charged.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia (proficient fluency) and English (at least intermediate fluency).
- Ability to work independently and with teams.
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Social, Law, Economic
- Previous experience with stakeholder engagement, 5 years
7. Manyar Smelter Project – Community Grievance and Human Rights Officer
Job brief :
- Community Grievance and Human Rights Officer is responsible in capturing community complaints and concerns systematically, coordinating with appropriate internal departments to resolve issues, and following up with community member(s) to verify that the issue is resolved in a fair and timely manner. Related to Human Rights obligations will include implementation and oversight of the Human Rights Ambassador Program, onboarding training, and escalating human rights grievances.
Role Spesific Competencies :
- Strong customer service focus.
- Mastery of computer skills sufficient to maintain a database of community complaints and prepare reports and presentation of results.
- Ability to work on issues that may lead to conflict or be emotionally charged
- Excellent communication skills.
- Ability to work independently and with teams.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Social, Law, Economic and relate it major area
- Previous experience with human rights and grievance mechanisms (minimum 3 years)
8. Manyar Smelter Project – Chief Environment Engineer (Environment Superintendent)
Job brief :
- Chief Environment Engineer ((Environment Superintendent)) is responsible in developing and overseeing the implementation of an Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan that is in alignment with regulatory requirements, responsible production frameworks, and company policies.
Role Specific Competencies :
- Skilled in supervising, evaluating, training and motivating employees.
- Able to research and analyze information of considerable difficulty and draw valid conclusions.
- Skilled in managing effective communication throughout all levels of the organization, both verbal and written.
- Additional certification or licensure appropriate to the job may be required or preferred
- Knowledge of environmental compliance, permitting, incident investigating and reporting protocols
- Skilled in managing large/complex environmental projects
- Ability to evaluate and implement new methods and techniques for operational improvement
- Able to analyze a wide range of soil, water and air samples to recognize potential environmental hazards
- Ability to develop and maintain awareness of occupational hazards and safety precautions
- Skilled in following safety practices and recognizing hazards
- Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences, or related field and seven (7) years of experience in area directly relevant to large process facilities.
- Prior major project management and/or start-up experience.
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Cara melamar
Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang dibutuhkan PT Freeport Indonesia , silahkan melakukan penaftaran melalui link dibawah ini :
Batas akhir pendaftaran 27 Juni 2022
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMA/SMK Sederajat Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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