Lowongan Magang Danone Indonesia – Danone adalah salah satu produsen makanan dan minuman terbesar di dunia yang berpusat di Prancis. Memiliki misi membawa kesehatan melalui makanan dan minuman kepada sebanyak mungkin orang, Danone mengembangkan 4 kategori utama dalam bisnisnya yaitu Produk Susu Segar (Fresh Dairy Product), Nutrisi Awal Kehidupan (Early Life Nutrition), air (Water) dan Gizi Medis (Medical Nutrician).
Melalui misi dan komitmen ganda untuk kemajuan bisnis dan sosial, Danone memiliki tujuan membangun masa depan yang lebih sehat dari gaya hidup yang sehat, bumi yang sehat dan ekosistem yang sehat. Pada tahun 2017 lalu, Danone meluncurkan logo dan slogan perusahaan terbarunya, “One Planet One Health”.
goletskerja.com adalah situs Portal lowongan kerja yang menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia, mulai dari perusahaan BUMN, informasi CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta ternama, mulai dari kategori lowongan kerja SMA, D3, sampai dengan S1-S2.
Kami berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di goletskerja.com bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Saat ini Danone Indonesia, membuka kembali lowongan kerja terbaru bagi para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama kami, berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
Lowongan Magang Danone Indonesia
Dibutuhkan :
What is DSTAR?
- DSTRA (Danone Student Apprenticeship Program) is a 5-month internship program designed for university students in their third and fourth year.
- This program is in collaboration with The Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia’s program, Kampus Merdeka.
Position :
1. Cycles & Procurement
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester students in Bachelor or Master Degree students in Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology major
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
2. Finance
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students studying Finance or Accounting
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- Familiar with application for create process (diagram flow)
- Familiar with data analytics
- Advance in excel and presentation
3. General Secretary
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students from all majors
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- Analytic & process thinking
- Good communication skill
- Colabration, agility and learning mindset
- Passionate in Sustainability and impact management
- Social background and have ability on project management
4. Healthcare Nutrition
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students studying Medical or Sciences
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- High interest on healthcare nutrition and Multi Channel Engagement
- Good knowledge on digital communication
- Good analytical and problem solving skills
- Good communication skills
- Good project management skills
5. Human Resources
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students from all majors
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- All interns are required to follow the health protocol procedure
6. Information System
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students from all majors
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- Familiar with UiPath Studio/StudioX
- Good communication skill
- Good Analytical thinking and Problem Solving
- Passionate with automation
7. Manufacturing Operation
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester students in Bachelor or Master Degree students in Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology major
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- Good knowledge on microsoft excel/Power BI
- Familiar with digitalization, video making/editing
- Good understanding on Safety HIRAC
- Understand on HACCP, lean process
- Good communication skill (presentation, critical thinking, progressive motivation)
8. Marketing
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students from any major
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
- High interest on brand communication & digital
- Good analytical and problem-solving skills
- English proficiency
- Good people skill (engagement & influence)
- Structured project management
9. Quality Food & Safety
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students studying Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
10. Research & Innovation
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester undergraduate students studying Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
11. Sales
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester students in Bachelor or Master Degree students in Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology major
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
12. Supply Chain
Qualifications :
- 5th or 7th semester students in Bachelor or Master Degree students in Engineering, Food Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology & Chemical, Information Technology major
- Passionate about working in a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry
- Have solid leadership experiences
- Have desire to innovate and experiment ideas
- Have tremendous energy and drive to deliver business result and value to society
Cara melamar
Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang di Danone Indonesia, silahkan DAFTAR Secara online melalui tautan berikut :
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk S1 Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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