Lowongan Burger King Indonesia – PT Sari Burger Indonesia atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Burger King Indonesia merupakan perusahaan publik yang bergerak dalam bidang ritel makanan cepat saji dan bermarkas di Jakarta, Indonesia. Saat ini, Burger King Indonesia mengoperasikan lebih dari 170 restoran di Indonesia di mana pelanggan di seluruh kota dapat menikmati rasa panggangan yang luar biasa dari produk.
Sebagai Pencari kerja, mendapatkan pekerjaan secepat mungkin pastinya menjadi hal yang diharapkan. Namun sayangnya, dengan banyaknya pesaing-pesaing yang ada mulai dari fresh graduate hingga para Pencari Kerja lain yang pindah dari pekerjaan, akan ada banyak lagi tantangan yang perlu dihadapi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian dalam Jangka waktu singkat.
Memang tidak diragukan lagi, dałam proses mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal yang paling krusial sebagai langkah awal dałam membangun jenjang karir. Meskipun begitu, terdapat cara mencari kerja tertentu yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan secepatnya.
Goletskerja.com berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di goletskerja.com bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Lowongan Burger King Indonesia
Burger King Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada para Jobseeker untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami, Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut posisi dan persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini:
1. Restaurant General Manager
Job Overview :
- As a Restaurant General Manager, you will be responsible to handle and oversees all day-to-day processes that are carried out in the store such as manages the product inventory, sales persons, goods for display, sales, and team member.
Responsibilities :
- Responsible for store P&L.
- To constantly review store environment and key business indicators to identify problems, concerns, and opportunities for improvement.
- To set sales goals for marketing promotions and manage the execution for those plans.
- To maximize the sales.
- To ensure all product’s meet company’s quality standard and in turn guarantee customer satisfaction.
- To make inventory plan to anticipate any product shortage during service.
- To conduct periodic physical inventory check and conduct direct order to supplier, when necessary, to make sure that stock is available adequately.
- Make sure that store’s closing and opening is in accordance with operating hours and ensure that stores can operate properly.
- To manage income and expense budgets, including accounts / receivable, profit, and loss, etc.
- Follow the company’s acceptable levels of percentages of costs / expenses to sales.
- Direct, lead and control planning and implementation of marketing and community social responsibility events for the year, review monthly performance analysis and find ways to make marketing events successful.
- Ensure timely, market-oriented marketing / CSR activities and achieve budget.
- Direct, lead and control product development activities for new product or revitalization of current products, supervise and control experiment and costing, approve pricing and supervise preparation to obtain halal certification to ensure achievement of growth target.
- People management.
Requirements :
- Hold minimum a bachelor’s degree in any discipline, preferably from Hospitality, Management, Business or Economics.
- Having minimum of 10 years of experience in QSR industry or heavily F&B can only be considered and having experience providing support at the executive/ Leadership level.
- Having Excellent Communication in English.
- Ability to manage large team.
- Proven leadership skill.
- Customer and sales Oriented.
2. Store Assistant Manager Jabodetabek
Responsibilities :
- Maintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness.
- To ensure all food and equipment are prepared in time for the restaurant opening or ensure that all food products and equipment are stored in the correct manner prior to closing the restaurant in the evening.
- To complete daily paperwork on recording sales, stock, staff hours, payroll information, and cash control.
- Monitor service quality in terms of ordering procedures, and order accuracy of the front counter staff.
- Assist Restaurant Managers with ineffective absence management methods, takes appropriate disciplinary action Provide and encourage on-the-job training and coaching.
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, in Food & Beverages Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Business Management.
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Able to communicate in English & Bahasa.
- Preferably Manager/Assistant Manager specializing in Restaurant.
- Willing to work in shift.
- Able to work in under pressure situations.
3. Store Assistant Manager Medan
Responsibilities :
- Maintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness
- To ensure all food and equipment is prepared in time for the restaurant opening or ensure that all food products and equipment are stored in the correct manner prior to closing the restaurant in the evening
- To complete daily paperwork on recording sales, stock, staff hours, payroll information, and cash control
- Monitor service quality in terms of ordering procedures, and order accuracy of the front counter staff
- Assist Restaurant managers ineffective absence management methods, takes appropriate disciplinary action Provide and encourage on-the-job training and coaching.
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, in Food & Beverages Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Business Management
- At least 2 years (s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Able to communicate in English and Bahasa
- Preferably Manager/Assistant Manager specializing in Restaurant
- Willing to work in shift
- Able to work in under pressure situations.
4. Store Assistant Manager Palembang
Responsibilities :
- Maintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness
- To ensure all food and equipment is prepared in time for the restaurant opening or ensure that all food products and equipment are stored in the correct manner prior to closing the restaurant in the evening
- To complete daily paperwork on recording sales, stock, staff hours, payroll information, and cash control
- Monitor service quality in terms of ordering procedures, and order accuracy of the front counter staff
- Assist Restaurant managers ineffective absence management methods, takes appropriate disciplinary action Provide and encourage on-the-job training and coaching.
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, in Food & Beverages Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Business Management
- At least 2 years (s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Able to communicate in English and Bahasa
- Preferably Manager/Assistant Manager specializing in Restaurant
- Willing to work in shift
- Able to work in under pressure situations.
5. Store Assistant Manager Lampung
Responsibilities :
- Maintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness.
- To ensure all food and equipment are prepared in time for the restaurant opening or ensure that all food products and equipment are stored in the correct manner prior to closing the restaurant in the evening.
- To complete daily paperwork on recording sales, stock, staff hours, payroll information, and cash control.
- Monitor service quality in terms of ordering procedures, and order accuracy of the front counter staff.
- Assist Restaurant Managers with ineffective absence management methods, takes appropriate disciplinary action Provide and encourage on-the-job training and coaching.
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, in Food & Beverages Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Business Management.
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Able to communicate in English & Bahasa
- Preferably Manager/Assistant Manager specializing in Restaurant
- Willing to work in shift.
- Able to work in under pressure situations.
6. Crew Leader
Responsibilities :
- Maintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness
- To assist manager in ensuring all food and equipment are prepared in time for the restaurant.
- Assists the management team in coordinating and supervising an assigned area of the restaurant during the shift
- Ensure all procedures are carried out correctly
- Ensure customer service standards are met
- Supervise crew member to ensure all standards are met
Requirements :
- Hold minimum a High school Degree, University graduated preferred (D3/D4/S1)
- Total minimum of 1.5 years QSR experience is a must
- 6 months crew leader experience in QSR
- All crew station proficiency
- Ability to apply BK standards consistently every hour of the day, every day of the year
- Having Excellent Communication and good communication
- Customer Oriented
- Max Age 27 years old
Lowongan kerja Food and Beverage terbaru lainnya :
- PT Paguntaka Cahaya Nusantara (PLN Group)
- PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)
- PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia
Cara melamar
Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas, silahkan DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan dibawah ini :
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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