BerandaTINGKATD3PT Kalbe Farma Tbk
Lowongan Kerja

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk adalah perusahaan farmasi dan kesehatan terbesar di Indonesia yang telah beroperasi selama lebih dari lima dekade. Sebagai market leader di industri farmasi dan healthcare, Kalbe Farma berfokus pada inovasi di bidang obat resep, obat bebas, nutrisi, serta layanan kesehatan digital. Dengan komitmen untuk menghadirkan produk kesehatan berkualitas tinggi, Kalbe Farma telah berkembang menjadi salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar di Asia Tenggara.

Didirikan pada tahun 1966, Kalbe Farma kini memiliki jaringan distribusi luas, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, dengan produk-produk unggulan seperti Promag, Mixagrip, Woods, Fatigon, Entrasol, dan Kalbe Nutritionals. Perusahaan ini juga terus berinovasi dalam pengembangan obat-obatan berbasis bioteknologi, mendukung pertumbuhan industri healthcare, suplemen kesehatan, dan terapi medis yang semakin berkembang pesat.

Bagi para profesional yang ingin berkarir di industri farmasi dan healthcare, PT Kalbe Farma Tbk juga secara rutin membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk berbagai posisi strategis. Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi individu yang memiliki semangat inovasi dan ingin berkembang dalam industri farmasi yang kompetitif.

Lowongan Kerja PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari talenta terbaik yang siap bergabung sebagai bagian dari perusahaan. Persiapkan segera berkas lamaran, CV terbaru, serta dokumen pendukung lainnya untuk melamar posisi yang tersedia. Simak informasi lengkap mengenai posisi dan persyaratan di bawah ini.


1. Production Operator

Responsible for feeding raw materials into machines, operating machines, making minor repairs, replacing parts, and testing finished materials for compliance.

Qualifications :

  • Minimum vocational high school (SMA/SMK) majority engineering/software engineering
  • Have at least 1 year of experience at production on pharmacist industries is a plus
  • Willing to work in a shift system
  • Excellent communication skills.

2. R&D Formulation Operator

Carrying out formulation research and development by preparing the necessary materials and equipment, performing the production process, assessing the outcomes, and documenting the research findings.

Qualifications :

  • Vocational High School of Pharmacy
  • Strong understanding of chemistry, pharmacology, and pharmaceutics.
  • Able to operate laboratory equipment used in formulation preparation and testing, such as stability testing instruments and spectrophotometers
  • Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply

3. Technician

Responsible for the maintenance, repair, and installation of utility systems such as water, sewer, gas, and electric.

Qualifications :

  • Diploma graduates (Electrical/Mechatronic Engineering). Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
  • Good knowledge of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Human Machine Interface (HMI),
  • AutoCad and Electrical Panel.
  • Willing to work in a shift system.

4. Administration

Maintain records and prepare financial reports, manage payroll, and handle settlement and contract interpretation for production/office area, especially in pharmacist industries.

Qualifications :

  • Vocational high school (SMA SMK).
  • Have at least 1 year of experience at administrator on 1 pharmaceutical industries is a plus.
  • Strong employee relations, interpersonal and verbal/written communication skills.
  • Computer proficienc skills: Microsoft Office.

5. Analyst

Responsible to analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of pharmacy operations and procedures. Analyst will collaborate with various teams to identify areas for improvement and develop solutions that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Qualifications :

  • Vocational high school/DipIoma Graduates of Chemical Analyst/ Chemical Industry/ Pharmacy.
  • Need strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as excellent communication and collaboration abilities.
  • Proficient in statistical analysis tools, data visualization, and predictive modeling.

6. R&D Quality Officer

Maintain records and prepare financial reports, manage payroll, and handle settlement and contract interpretation for production/office area, especially in pharmacist industries.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduates apothecaries are encouraged to apply
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships With others department
  • Strong employee relations, interpersonal and verbal/written communication skills.
  • Knowledge of the Good Manufacturing Practices, ISO and Good Lagoratory PracticeQ in a regulated environment (pharmaceutical)

7. Line QA Officer

Monitor the work of the manufacturing personnels and quality in a manufacturing plant, oversee the record keeping of the team, and prepare appropriate reports for management.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduates apothecaries are encouraged to apply.
  • Gain experience working in quality assurance.
  • Experience with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems, ISO standards,  production lines, food safety and manufacturing processes.
  • Good communication skills.

8. Production Officer

Responsible for the quality and quantity of daily/weekly/monthly production from the company in accordance with predetermined instructions and targets.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduates apothecaries are encouraged to apply.
  • Keen eye for detail and good concentration skills.
  • Exploring machinery intricacies and collaborating with other departments to investigate production issues.
  • Have good communication and great leadership skills.

9. Junior Analytical Scientist

Organize the development of defined assays, necessary for assessing product characterization and product quality of manufactured lots.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduates pharmacist/chemist/apothecaries are encouraged to apply
  • Knowledge of the Good Manufacturing Practices and
  • Good Laboratory Practices in a regulated environment (pharmaceutical)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

10. Formulation Scientist

Developing product formulations and reformulations with an orderly development system in accordance with the company’s strategy. Prepare batch stability for the purposes of new product development, replacement of existing product source, reformulation.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduates apothecaries are encouraged to apply.
  • Knowledge of the Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices in a regulated environment (pharmaceutical).
  • Strong understanding of the product development process from concept ideation to launch.

11. Software & Automation Supervisor

Job Description :

  • Responsible for leading automation & robotic project.
  • Design, develop and implement industrial robotics and automation system
  • Make and execute maintenance schedule for automation system and troubleshooting related to electrical and control system
  • Prepare Scope of works, Bill of Quantities and technical specifications for the Electrical / Instrumentation / Automation works scope, and participate in project planning and budgeting for the project
  • Integrate automation equipment for digital transformation project
  • Develop and maintain good documentation related to automation and control system.

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduate of Bachelor degree in Automation Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering or Computer System Engineering or minimum of 2 year of relevant work experience
  • Good experience and solid fundamental knowledge with PLC
  • Programming, HMI and SCADA system
  • Good knowledge in IIoT System.
  • Have a solid fundamental in robotics system
  • Able to read datasheet and electrical wiring diagram
  • Additional knowledge with SQL, Computer System and Network will be an advantage
  • Excellent problem-solving skills for complex automation system.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Able to work in a team environment
  • Willing to be placed at Cikarang

12. SHE MSTD Supervisor

Ensure SHE management system is in place, supervise reliability Of SHE protection equipment, and responsible for making continuous improvements to safety, occupational health and the environment.

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Environmental Engineering, Health and Safety, Pharmacy, Apothecaries are encouraged to apply.
  • Having at least 1 years experiences in manufacturing/FMCG/pharmaceutical industry.
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships with others department.

13. Purchasing Supervisor

Negotiate contracts, terms, and conditions with suppliers to secure favorable pricing and contractual agreements.

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s degree from any major with min 2 years of related experience at pharma export and import are encouraged to apply
  • Excellent negotiation and contract management skills and exceptional attention to detail also accuracy
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and procurement software (Oracle)
  • Strong understanding of financial principles and budget management
  • Good management team skills

14. Company Doctor

Job Description :

  • Promoting and maintaining ISO 45001
  • Monitoring employee health and employee medical check up program
  • Monitoring and evaluate employee personal hygiene
  • Organizing HSE related training programs & ensures its effectiveness, and other health related issues

Qualifications :

  • Doctor with experience working in company minimum 1 year
  • Read to join immediatel
  • Willing to work from Cikarang (WFO)


Cara melamar

Bagi yang berminat untuk melamar posisi ini, silahkan anda dapat DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan yang telah disediakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Jika Anda berminat dan meraih kesuksesan dalam karir Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini. Segera Daftar melalui tauatan dibawah ini sekarang juga !


Perhatian :

  • Mohon untuk membaca informasi ini secara cermat dan menyeluruh.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria terbaik yang akan diikutsertakan dalam seleksi lanjutan.
  • Selama proses rekrutmen, tidak ada biaya yang akan dibebankan kepada pelamar.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan kami mengharapkan Anda untuk berbagi informasi ini dengan teman atau keluarga yang mungkin memerlukannya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang lowongan kerja di sektor BUMN, CPNS, atau sektor swasta lainnya, kunjungi situs web kami di

Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan

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