PT Adaro Energy Tbk adalah salah satu perusahaan energi terintegrasi terbesar di Indonesia yang fokus pada sektor pertambangan, energi, dan jasa pendukung. Didirikan pada tahun 2004, Adaro Energy memiliki komitmen untuk menyediakan energi yang terjangkau dan berkelanjutan, sejalan dengan kebutuhan pasar global yang terus berkembang. Saham perusahaan ini terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan kode emiten ADRO sejak Juli 2008.
Sebagai produsen batu bara terbesar kedua di Indonesia, Adaro Energy mengoperasikan tambang batu bara melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Adaro Indonesia. Perusahaan ini dikenal dengan produk batu bara ramah lingkungan “Envirocoal,” yang diminati pasar internasional karena memiliki kandungan sulfur dan abu yang rendah. Selain pertambangan batu bara, Adaro Energy juga terlibat dalam sektor energi terbarukan, pembangkit listrik, logistik, dan jasa infrastruktur. Hal ini menjadikannya pemain kunci dalam mendukung transisi energi bersih di Indonesia.
Dalam mencari pekerjaan, baik bagi lulusan baru maupun mereka yang sudah berpengalaman, realitas persaingan yang tinggi menjadi faktor yang harus dihadapi. Pasar kerja saat ini sangat kompetitif, dengan jumlah pelamar yang jauh melebihi jumlah lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia. Lulusan baru sering kali harus bersaing dengan rekan-rekan seangkatannya yang memiliki kualifikasi yang serupa, sementara mereka yang berpengalaman harus bersaing dengan orang-orang yang memiliki pengalaman yang lebih luas dan keterampilan yang lebih mendalam.
Selain itu, perkembangan teknologi juga telah mengubah lanskap kerja, membuat permintaan akan keterampilan yang relevan dan inovatif semakin tinggi. Ini berarti bahwa lulusan baru dan bahkan mereka yang berpengalaman harus terus-menerus mengikuti perkembangan dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka agar tetap bersaing. Dalam menghadapi realitas persaingan ini, penting bagi para pencari kerja untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan baik. Ini termasuk membangun portofolio yang kuat, mengasah keterampilan yang relevan, dan menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan orang-orang di industri tersebut. Selain itu, fleksibilitas, kreativitas, dan kemampuan untuk terus belajar dan beradaptasi juga sangat penting. adalah salah satu situs penyedia informasi lowongan kerja Indonesia. kami dalam hal ini berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid. Semua informasi lowongan kerja di mulai dari perusahaan BUMN, informasi CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta ternama, dengan kategori lowongan tingkat SMA, D3, sampai dengan S1-S2, bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk
PT Adaro Energy Tbk saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan, Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut posisi dan persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini.
1. Corporate Secretary Manager
- To monitor the development of the capital market and be anticipative and proactive with the critical development which may affect the Company (as a publicly listed Company) in the future, communicate any development and changes to the board and make recommendation.
- To support Corporate Secretary Division Head in conducting the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) (Annual/Extraordinary) and public expose, and to ensure the Company’s events run well.
- To be the key liaison, together with Corporate Secretary Division Head, between the Company to the Capital Market and public in general and provide the company with supports in compliance to capital market regulations.
- Help to ensure all stakeholders, both internal (employee, management, internal shareholders etc.) and external (analyst, fund managers, rating agencies, government, public etc.), received all accurate and relevant information about Adaro in order to maintain positive image of the corporation.
- To assist and accompany Investor Relations team in meeting with local and foreign investors as well as building good relationship.
- To help Good Corporate Governance implementation in the Company.
- Ensure the shareholders reports and other company reports to shareholders are complied with prevailing and current laws and regulations.
- To ensure the availability of high quality Corporate materials for Adaro Energy Indonesia and its subsidiaries.
- Ensure that Government offices and/or Capital Market Regulators receive proper, accurate, and timely reports, correspondence, and relevant information from the Company.
- Must be well versed in regular capital market compliance and able to lodge and submit documents and necessary compliance requirement through IDX Net and SPE OJK.
- Must be able to do preparation for offline and online AGM and familiar with EasyKSEI mechanism and requirement.
- Must be well versed in POJK as well as IDX regulations.
- To have good writing skills is a plus.
- Bachelor degree, preferably Master’s degree in Commerce/Business/Law/Economics/Communication
- Min 3-5 years of working experience as Corporate Secretary Manager
- Preferably from mining company or a Tbk company with integrated business
- Strong competencies in Capital Market and Corporate Law and Regulations, Financial & Investment Market Understanding, Financial & Investment Analysis, Strategic Communication, Public Relations, Marketing, Advertising, and Media
- Strong communication and analytical thinking skill
2. Tax Compliance Officer
Job Responsibilities
- Assist in checking the compliance, correctness and accuracy in tax calculation/payment/reporting
- Assist in preparing tax payments and ensure timely tax reporting
- Assist to provide data for tax audit purpose
- Assist to prepare data and forms for annual corporate income tax
- Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting / Taxation with minimum GPA 3.00
- Min 4 years experience as Tax Staff, preferably from Tax Consulting Firm
- Competencies: Tax Regulation and Procedures, e-SPT, Tax Calculation, and Tax Compliance
- Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of the team.
3. Statutory & Consolidation Officer
Job Responsibilities
- Make monthly financial reports for PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk and its subsidiaries accurately and on time.
- Help compile financial reports from all of the Adaro Group’s subsidiaries and conduct a brief analysis of the financial reports
- Analyze each account in the consolidated financial statements
- Reconcile special relationship transactions between subsidiaries
- Prepare quarterly consolidated financial statements of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk and make edits to financial statements in accordance with a review of its superior.
- Prepare audited financial reports and / or financial reports along with annual reports for Adaro Energy subsidiaries at the end of each year accurately and on time.
- Prepare the data needed by the auditor for the purposes of 6-monthly reviews and annual audits including carrying out PDCA administrative functions related to reporting, including:
- Ensuring the reporting team’s database is always updated and accurate.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable University, min GPA 3.00
- Have min 3-year experience as Reporting Staff, Consolidation Staff, and/or experience from Public Accounting Firm
- Have good knowledge of financial statement analysis, accounting control, financial reporting, and financial planning & budgeting
- Good English is a must
4. Statutory & Consolidation Section Head
Prepare the consolidated financial reports of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk (AEI) every month in an accurate and timely manner and ensure that there are no material errors in the presentation and disclosures in the preparation of the consolidated reports.
- Make monthly AEI consolidated financial reports for the company’s internal needs.
- Reviewing the monthly financial reports (stand alone) of AEI and Business Units that have been prepared by their subordinates.
- Prepare a combined report of the accounts needed to compile monthly consolidated financial reports and review the combined reports that have been prepared by their subordinates. The combined account details and calculations prepared are as follows: a. Cashflow, b. Segment, and c. Assessment of the book value of non-financial assets
- Prepare consolidated financial reports at the end of each year in an accurate and timely manner.
- Coordinate well with external audit parties so that the audit process can run smoothly.
- Prepare financial data/information, if required by other divisions including the Investor Relations, Corporate Secretary and Corporate Finance divisions.
- Ensuring that the financial report data required by internal and external parties can be available on time.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable University, min GPA 3.00
- Min 5 years working experience as Reporting Consolidation, preferably at Tbk company and/or Public Accounting Firm
- Strong competencies in Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting Control / Accounting Standard, and Tax Regulation
- Detail oriented
- Good English is a must
- PT Sinar Sosro
- PT Virama Karya (Persero)
- PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA)
- PT Pertamina Training and Consulting (PTC)
- PT Bank Mandiri (Persero): Officer Development Program
Cara melamar
Bagi yang berminat untuk melamar posisi ini, silahkan anda dapat DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan yang telah disediakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Jika Anda berminat dan meraih kesuksesan dalam karir Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini. Segera Daftar melalui tauatan dibawah ini sekarang juga !
Corporate Secretary Manager | PENDAFTARAN |
Tax Compliance Officer | PENDAFTARAN |
Statutory & Consolidation Officer | PENDAFTARAN |
Statutory & Consolidation Section Head | PENDAFTARAN |
Perhatian :
- Mohon untuk membaca informasi ini secara cermat dan menyeluruh.
- Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria terbaik yang akan diikutsertakan dalam seleksi lanjutan.
- Selama proses rekrutmen, tidak ada biaya yang akan dibebankan kepada pelamar.
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan kami mengharapkan Anda untuk berbagi informasi ini dengan teman atau keluarga yang mungkin memerlukannya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang lowongan kerja di sektor BUMN, CPNS, atau sektor swasta lainnya, kunjungi situs web kami di
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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