BerandaTINGKATD3Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation
Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

PT Paragon Technology and Innovation adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kosmetik manufaktur dan sudah mendapatkan sertifikat “GMP” (Good Manufacturing Practice) dengan produksi yang berkapasitas besar dan formulasi level tinggi. Dengan pengalaman di bidang cosmetic lebih dari 28 tahun. PT PTI sudah membawa Wardah Cosmetics menjadi brand lokal dengan penjualan tertinggi di Matahari Dept. Store (Departemen Store terbesar di Indonesia), dan mendapatkan Halal Award oleh LPPOM MUI pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012, sebagai pioner cosmetik halal.

PT PTI juga sudah membawa MAKE OVER sebagai brand terpercaya oleh para MakeUp artis terkemuka. PT PTI terus mengembangkan brand brand unggulan lainnya, seperti Putri, IX, Hair Addict, Vivre dan Nusilk. Selama 4 tahun terakhir perusahaan sudah tumbuh lebih dari 80% pertahun, dengan 28 daerah operasional & lebih dari 2000 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia.

Adapun hal-hal yang perlu untuk kamu perhatikan sebelum memelamar sebuah pekerjaan, yaitu mempersiapkan Surat Lamaran Kerja & Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter dan Portfolio, serta dokumen pendukung lainnya. Pada saat proses seleksi atau tahapan melakukan rekrutmen, setiap perusahaan mempunyai kebijakan yang berbeda-beda, tetapi pada umumnya terdapat tiga tahapan yang wajib kamu ketahui yaitu : Tahap seleksi adminstrasi atau Screening CV, Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, interview User, Tes Piskotes kerja.

Saat ini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, membuka kembali lowongan kerja untuk para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama kami sebagai berikut :

Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

Dibutuhkan :


1. PLDP Supply Chain Management

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible for forecasting, scheduling, manufacturing, and distribution of products. SCM is also responsible for sourcing and suppliers collaboration, big data management, customer solution, both upstream (supplier and manufacturing) and downstream (market) quality.

Qualifications :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3)
  • Major in all Engineering, Mathematics, or Statistics
  • Final years students are welcome to apply
  • Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
2. PLDP Safety Health & Environtment

Main Responsibilities:

  • Review and analyze Covid-19 prevention programs in all areas
  • Updating the applicable SHE legal compliance based on both regional and international regulations, following the gap analysis
  • Ensure that the SHE documents in all areas have been completed in accordance with regional and national regulations
  • Ensure that all areas have carried out a SHE risk assessment in their working environment and preventive interventions
  • Ensure that all 5R (hygiene factors) policies and procedures are implemented in various areas and their improvement programs
  • Creating, analyzing, evaluating, and coordinating the SHE audit program in each area
  • Monitor and implement SHE programs (emergency response, work environment inspection, etc.) along with implementation controls and follow-up
  • Participate (proactively) in meetings and discussions related to SHE
  • Coordinate in carrying out investigations, preparing reports, and following-up follow-ups of a work accident/ property damage/ environment case that occurs
  • Creating and evaluating the following SHE competency matrix to coordinate the implementation of the training
  • Responsible for increasing SHE awareness
  • SHE behavior in all areas


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) of Public Health, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering
  • Minimum 2 years experience in the same field
  • Have a certificate of K3 Umum, K3 Muda/ Madya Lingkungan Kerja
  • Understand and mastery in standard systems such as SMK3, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001
  • Incident investigation ability
  • Have good communication skills (counseling and training)
  • Have a healthy physical and mental health
  • Willing to go around Indonesia

3. PLDP Market Development


  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in all major
  • Final year students are welcome to apply
  • Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

4. PLDP Information Technology


  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems or max 2 years experience
  • For non IT education must have programming background (Python)
  • Software Engineer for either one of :
    • Frontend Developer : Familliar with HTML,CSS, JS, JS Libraries (e.g. jQuery) or CSS & JS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap) Version Control ( Git ). Experience in JS Framework such as React JS / Vue JS & PWA would be an advantage.
    • Backend Developer : Familiar with PHP / Python based framework, RBAC, API Development & Management, and RDBMS Databases ( SQL ).
    • Mobile Application Developer : Android Native Java or Flutter
    • Experience working on real projects related to the skill would be an advantage

5. PLDP Human Resources Distribution Center

Main Responsibilities:

Building Paragon Industrial Peace through office management, increasing employee’s happiness and engagement, building harmonious industrial relations and maintaining corporate culture to support business sustainability. Ensuring the sustainable growth of the organization through improving the quality of human capital and competency mastery of each individual, the quality of interaction between individuals both vertically and horizontallly, and an effective and efficient management system that enables an optimization of potential. The scope starts from recruitment, learning and development, performance management, and HRD infrastructure development.


  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in all major
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
  • Preferably has domicile in Rantauprapat and Mataram
  • Willing to be placed in Rantauprapat and Mataram

6. PLDP Finance, Accounting & Tax

Main Responsibilities:
Planning, conducting, and controlling the utilization of company’s financial resources in accordance with existing business process and also supporting company dynamics while maintaining prudence and compliance


  1. Minimum Diploma (D3)
  2. Major in Accounting, Economic, Management
  3. Final year student are welcome to apply
  4. Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

7. PLDP Distribution

Main Responsibilities:
Ensuring the operational system in line with the standard, such as manufacturing and revamping the distribution system, establishing good relationships with stores, and ensuring the supply chain


  • Minimum Degree (D3) in all major
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

8. PLDP Customer Development

Main Responsibilities:
Menciptakan pasar dan memastikan ketersediaan produk lebih mudah diakses oleh konsumen berdasarkan strategi pemasaran dan penjualan yang efektif dan berkelanjutan


  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3) semua jurusan
  • Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
  • Mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan berpengalaman 1-2 tahun dipersilakan untuk melamar

9. PLDP Corporate Real Estate Management

Main Responsibilities:
Supporting physical structure and infrastructure needs by increasing value added assets owned by the company.


  • Minimum Diploma (D3) majoring in Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

10. PLDP Branch Accountant

Main Responsibilities:
Mengontrol pemanfaatan sumber daya keuangan perusahaan sesuai dengan proses bisnis yang ada serta mendukung dinamika perusahaan dengan tetap menjaga kehati-hatian dan kepatuhan di area Distribution Center


  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3) Akuntansi, Ekonomi, Manajemen
  • Mahasiswa tingkat akhir atau berpengalaman 1-2 tahun dipersilakan untuk melamar
  • Diutamakan berdomisili di Manado, Lampung, Palembang, Mataram, Semarang, dan Bogor
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Manado, Lampung, Palembang, Mataram, Semarang, dan Bogor


11. MT Supply Chain Management

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible for forecasting, scheduling, manufacturing, and distribution of products. SCM is also responsible for sourcing and suppliers collaboration, big data management, customer solution, both upstream (supplier and manufacturing) and downstream (market) quality.


  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1)
  • Major in all Engineering, Mathematics, or Statistics
  • Final year students are welcome to apply
  • Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

12. MT Sales Operation

Main Responsibilities:
Creating market and make sure the availability of product to be more accessible for consumers based on effective marketing and sustainable sales


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major
  • Has good negotiation skill
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

13. MT Safety Health & Environtment


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) of Public Health, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering
  • Minimum 2 years experience in the same field
  • Have a certificate of K3 Umum, K3 Muda/ Madya Lingkungan Kerja
  • Understand and mastery in standard systems such as SMK3, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001
  • Incident investigation ability
  • Have good communication skills (counseling and training)
  • Have a healthy physical and mental health
  • Willing to go around Indonesia

14. MT Research & Development

Main Responsibilities:
Developing product’s formula, testing, and managing its legality aspect


  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering
  • Preferably having 1-2 years experience
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

15. MT Product Innovation & Development


  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in all major
  • Fresh graduates and having 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
  • Having a passion in beauty or cosmetics

Main Responsibilities:
Developing new products, start from determine ideas,make concepts to launch in achieving customer satisfaction

16. MT Marketing

Main Responsibilities:
Determine strategy to perceive our brand according to the needs of consumers and increase brand equity through a creative and innovative approach


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

17. MT Market Development

Main Responsibilities:
Conducting promotion activities, event organizing, managing promotion teams, and collaborating in recruitment activities


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1)
  • Final year students are welcome to apply
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
  • Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

18. MT Information Technology


  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems, Engineering, Science
  • For non IT education must have programming background (Python)
  • Software Engineer for either one of :
  • Mobile Application Developer : Android Native Java or Flutter
  • Backend Developer : Familiar with PHP / Python based framework, RBAC, API Development & Management, and RDBMS Databases ( SQL ).
  • Frontend Developer : Familliar with HTML,CSS, JS, JS Libraries (e.g. jQuery) or CSS & JS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap) Version Control ( Git ). Experience in JS Framework such as React JS / Vue JS & PWA would be an advantage.
  • Experience working on real projects related to the skill would be an advantage
  • Having 1.5 – 2 years experience
  • Having knowledge in PMO concept or had working experience in PMO environment

19. MT Human Resources

Main Responsibilities:
Building Paragon Industrial Peace through office management, increasing employee’s happiness and engagement, building harmonious industrial relations and maintaining corporate culture to support business sustainability. Ensuring the sustainable growth of the organization through improving the quality of human capital and competency mastery of each individual, the quality of interaction between individuals both vertically and horizontallly, and an effective and efficient management system that enables an optimization of potential. The scope starts from recruitment, learning and development, performance management, and HRD infrastructure development.


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

20. MT Finance, Accounting & Tax


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1)
  • Major in Accounting, Economic, Management
  • Final year student are welcome to apply
  • Have 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

21. MT Corporate Real Estate Management

Main Responsibilities:
Supporting physical structure and infrastructure needs by increasing value added assets owned by the company.


  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering (preferably in Structural Engineering) and Electrical Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply

Cara melamar

Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang dibutuhkan PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, silahkan DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan berikut :

Perhatian :

  • Batas akhir pendaftaran 28 Februari 2021
  • Pelamar yang lolos seleksi administrasi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
  • Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
  • Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.

Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Lulusan Sarjana Terbaru Semua Jurusan


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