BerandaTINGKATD3Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Juli 2021
Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk – Juli 2021

Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk – PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) Berdiri pada tahun 1991 dan berpusat di Jakarta, Indonesia. Bergerak sebagai perusahaan penyedia keahlian kontrak alat berat, kegiatan kontrak pertambangan, pekerjaan tanah massal, pertambangan umum, konstruksi, teknik sipil serta pemeliharaan pabrik. PT Darma Henwa Tbk beroperasi dalam dua segmen usaha yaitu: jasa pertambangan dan jasa pemasaran dan konsultasi. Tercatat dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2007 pada Papan Utama. adalah situs Portal lowongan kerja yang menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia, mulai dari perusahaan BUMN, informasi CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta ternama, mulai dari kategori lowongan kerja SMAD3, sampai dengan S1-S2. Kami berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentanng lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.

Saat ini PT Darma Henwa Tbk, membuka kembali lowongan kerja terbaru bagi para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama kami, berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :

Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk – Juli 2021

Dibutuhkan :


Job description:

Planning strategies, controlling, evaluating and taking corrective actions for all planning activities, developing system maintenance and repair of units / equipment, all unit maintenance and repair activities, and reviewing maintenance cost control in the project in order to ensure the achievement of target PA, MTBF and MTTR units as needed mining operations, HSE standards and procedures that apply within predetermined budget limits.


  • Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering is preferred
  • Having at least 3 years experience in the same position or 7 years as manager plant in mining industry
  • Male, maximum 50 years
  • Having excellence experience maintenance planning & execution, preventive & breakdown management, maintenance activity & daily strategy, Plant financial & IPHR, warranty & claim negotiation, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  • Have POM certification is preferred
  • Fluent English is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job Description:

Plan strategies, control, evaluate and take action to improve all planning activities, develop maintenance system and repair unit/equipment, including reviewing maintenance cost in order to ensure the achievement of PA, MTBF & MTTR unit target, according to the needs of Mine Operation, HSE standards and procedure that apply within the specified budget constraints.


  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 10 years
  • Minimum 3 years in the same position or 7 years as Superintendent level
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy & Financial analysis
  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Fluent English is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job description:

Controlling, analyzing and evaluating plans and systems for maintenance and maintenance of units / equipment in the project through in-depth and thorough observation of maintenance problems that occur in the field with the aim of providing an applicable, effective and efficient planning & maintenance system in an effort to save costs and support the achievement of PA targets, MTTR and MTBF for each unit within the budget constraints and applicable HSE standards.


  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 10 years
  • Minimum 5 years in the same position or 7 years as Supervisor level
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy & Financial analysis
  • Male, maximum 40 years’ old
  • Have Certificate POP
  • Fluent English is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job description:

Manage, supervise, and report all maintenance / maintenance and repair activities of all units in the project’s scope of supervision as well as maintaining a clean working environment based on superiors’ directions and schedule / planning made by planners within budget constraints, procedures and HSE standards which applies to support the achievement of target PA, MTBF and MTTR units as well as support the smooth running of mining operations..


  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job description:

Manage, supervise, and report verbally and in writing on all MDT maintenance activities (schedule maintenance) in the project within the scope of supervision as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the work environment based on the direction of the supervisor and the schedule / planning made by the planner within the budget constraints, procedures and HSE standards applicable to support the achievement of target PA, MTBF and MTFR units and support the smooth running of mining operations.


  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job description:

regulate, supervise, and report verbally and in writing all maintenance / maintenance and tire repair activities in the project within the scope of supervision as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the work environment based on the direction of the supervisor and the schedule / planning made by the planner within the budget constraints, procedures and HSE standards applicable to ensure maximum tire lifetimes and minimize costs in order to support operations


  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Minimum age 30 year old maximum 45 year
  • Having Certificate POP
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


Job Scope:

Arrange, supervise, and verbally and in writing all fabrication activities in the project at the scope of supervision and maintain the cleanliness of the work environment based on the direction of superiors and schedule / planning that the planner makes within the limits of the budget, procedures and HSE standards applies to supporting the achievement of PA, MTBF and MTTR units and supporting smoothness mining operations.


  • SMA / Diploma / Bachelor degree of Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
  • Has a minimum 3 years of experience as Maintenance Mechanic of Heavy Equipment
  • Understand mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD procedure and regulation.
  • Having skill of electrical maintenance & repair of mining heavy equipment.
  • Understand Heavy Equipment Management System.
  • Has a POP certificate.
  • Willing to be placed on All Site Darma Henwa


Job Scope:

Monitor and analyze all equipment & component condition parameter data so that it can be used or developed further to prevent the severity of damage to components / equipment.


  • Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering
  • Has a minimum 3 years of experience in the same position
  • Understand Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management , HSE procedure, HRD procedure and regulation
  • Willing to be placed on All Site Darma Henwa


Job Scope:

Coordinating, directing and taking action to improve all mining activities and overburden transportation and maintain environmental cleanliness in the work area starting from the preparation of work planning & schedules, mining work to the transportation of overburden to the shelter in accordance with the standards and production targets set and HSE standards set applies within the specified budget constraints.


  • Minimal Education: Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering / geology engineering
  • Has work experience min 7 years as operation/production of mining .
  • Has experience minimum 3 years as mine operation supervisor is preferred.
  • Can read mine design.
  • Understand mining procedure.
  • Can operate and have license (KIMPER) to operate mining units.
  • Have POP certificate is a must.
  • Have good communication
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job description:

Planning strategies, coordinating, controlling, evaluating and taking internal and external corrective actions for production activities in the project covering all production activities with the aim of achieving predetermined production targets and being implemented effectively, efficiently and safely in accordance with applicable regulations.


  • Bachelor’s degree in mining engineering is preferred
  • Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Male, maximum 40 years
  • Having excellence experience mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure
  • Have POP certification
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job description:

Planning, compiling curricula and implementing training operation programs in projects covering aspects of mine operation and heavy equipment operation in accordance with the curriculum, competency standards, HSE standards and applicable procedures & Analyze training needs, create an operator assessment and evaluation program in order to ensure that operator competencies are met according to the criteria required by the Company to support the achievement of production targets in the project.


  • Bachelor degree in mining engineering is preferred
  • Having at least 5 years’ experience in the same position
  • Diploma / SMA with experience more than 10 years in mining industry
  • Male, maximum 40 years
  • Having excellence experience mine operation, equipment management, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  • Have POP certification is preferred
  • Have TOT certification is a must
  • Able to work with deadline
  • Have good communication
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job description:

Compiling, directing and evaluating all mine planning activities in projects ranging from short to medium term planning according to an efficient and safe mine design through effective coordination with customers / clients and the Engineering Head Office to ensure the availability of mine plans & designs that support the achievement of production targets within the budget limits that have been determined based on HSE and applicable regulations.


  • Bachelor’s degree in mining engineering
  • Having experience in same position minimum 5 years or 10 years as Superintendent Engineering in mining operation
  • Male, maximum 45 years
  • Have POM certification
  • Having excellence experience mining procedure, road maintenance, civil design, PIT service management, Operation
  • Management, Project Cost Estimation, Mine Geology, HSE procedure, HRD procedure
  • Able to work with deadline
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job Description:

Directs and coordinates the design and the medium term mine plan based on the correct “sequence” and coordinate geological and geotechnical data at project in accordance with the technical operations of mining which includes the production plan and estimation of equipment requirements to ensure effective implementation of mining operations in accordance with HSE standards and customer desires.


  • Bachelor degree in Mining or Geology
  • Understand Mining Process
  • Having Experience in 5 years in same position
  • Having Certificate POP or POM
  • Able to read mining design
  • Able Work with deadline
  • Having good communication
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job description:

Assist manager operation in various fields, Prepare medium-term and short-term mine plans and designs (daily, weekly, monthly to yearly) based on geologist data, survey data, correct “sequence”, in accordance with mining operational technicalities that include production plans and equipment requirements and carry out anticipate the design & planning in the field to increase the effectiveness of mining operations in accordance with HSE standards and customer desires.


  • Bachelor’s degree in mining engineering
  • Having experience in same position minimum 3 years
  • Male, maximum 35 years
  • Have POP certification
  • Having excellence experience mining, procedure, road maintenance, civil design, operation technique metode and project cost estimation, HSE procedure, HRD procedure
  • Able to work with deadline
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job description:

Prepare medium-term and short-term mine plans and designs (daily, weekly, monthly to yearly) based on geologist data, survey data, correct “sequence”, in accordance with mining operational technicalities that include production plans and equipment requirements and carry out anticipate the design & planning in the field to increase the effectiveness of mining operations in accordance with HSE standards and customer desires.


  • Bachelor’s degree in mining engineering
  • Having experience in same position minimum 3 years
  • Male, maximum 40 years
  • Have POP certification
  • Having excellence experience mining, procedure, road maintenance, civil design, operation technique metode and project cost estimation, HSE procedure, HRD procedure
  • Able to work with deadline
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job Scope:

Analyzing production data, operator performance and production equipment performance as well as daily, weekly and monthly operational costs based on data input from data processing and effective coordination with project finance to provide daily, weekly and monthly explanations of mining operations to superiors and related users.


  • Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering or equivalent.
  • Able to arrange fleet monitoring and evaluation of fleets.
  • Able to analyze or evaluate the results of the dispatch system.
  • At least 3 years of working experience in the related field.
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


Job Description:

Prepare and carry out the process of handling strategic legal and legal needs of the Company, through legal advisory, legal drafting, legal litigation, legal compliance, legal creation, legal research and legal documentation including major agreements with the Company’s clients and agreements related to finance/ Company finances, tenders, agreements with certain contract values in accordance with the provisions in order to reduce legal risks to ensure the legality of the Company’s operations and development.


  • Master Degree in Law or certified Lawyer
  • Having experience in mining industry is preferrable
  • Strong knowledge in Corporate Governance, Compliance, Regulatory, Commercial, & Labor Law
  • Process in depth knowledge of commercial and drafting contract as well as handling contractual dispupets
  • Fluent in English
  • Strong negotiation skill
  • Having Experience in 10 years in same position / as Lawyer
  • Having Certificate PERADI / Indonesia’s Advocates License
  • Willing to be Placed in Balikpapan – East Kalimantan

Cara melamar

Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang di PT Darma Henwa Tbk, silahkan kirim CV terbaru dan Lamaran anda ke email berikut :

[email protected]
[email protected]
subject as proposed position

before 15 Juli 2021

Perhatian :

  • Pelamar yang lolos seleksi administrasi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
  • Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
  • Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.

Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk SMA/SMK Sederajat Terbaru


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