PT Freeport Indonesia – Freeport merupakan perusahaan tambang mineral afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) dan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (Inalum). PTFI menambang serta memproses bijih menghasilkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas, dan perak. Kami memasarkan konsentrat keseluruh penjuru dunia & terutama ke smelter tembaga dalam negeri, PT Smelting. Kami beroperasi didataran tinggi terpencil diPengunungan Sudirman, Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua Indonesia. Tambang dikawasan mineral Grasberg, Papua, Indonesia adalah salah satu deposit tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia.
Dalam dunia kerja saat ini, persaingan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diinginkan semakin ketat. Latar belakang persaingan mencari kerja dapat menjadi sebuah tantangan bagi para pencari kerja. Pertama-tama, tingkat pengangguran yang tinggi dan jumlah pelamar yang banyak menyebabkan persaingan yang sengit. Setiap kali sebuah lowongan kerja diumumkan, sering kali ratusan bahkan ribuan orang bersaing untuk mendapatkan posisi tersebut.
Dalam menghadapi persaingan ini, penting bagi para pencari kerja baik Experiece atau Fresh Graduate untuk terus mengembangkan diri dan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik. Melakukan riset tentang industri dan perusahaan yang dituju, melatih keterampilan yang diperlukan, dan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk proses seleksi kerja akan meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk sukses dalam mencari pekerjaan di dunia kerja yang kompetitif ini. adalah salah satu situs penyedia informasi lowongan kerja Indonesia. kamin dalam hal ini berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid. Semua informasi lowongan kerja di mulai dari perusahaan BUMN, informasi CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta ternama, dengan kategori lowongan tingkat SMA, D3, sampai dengan S1-S2, bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia : 8 Posisi
PT Freeport Indonesia saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan, Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut posisi dan persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini :
1. Smelter Operation Readiness – Plant Engineering & Projects Superintendent
Location : Manyar, East Java
Minimum Education and Experience
- Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Structural Engineering with at least 7 – 9 years related experience in engineering design and field constructions with a minimum of 4 years experience in engineering and project constructions.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Analytical skill.
- Strong managerial and supervisory skills.
- Project management and control skills.
- Financial management.
- Knowledge of the field (practical knowledge).
- Communication, human relations, and interpersonal skills.
- Computer skill, especially knowledge in Microsoft Office & Project.
- Good command in oral and written English.
- Deadline: 30 Oktober 2023
2. Foreman, HS Code Management
Location : Jakarta
Minimum Education and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering with minimum 5 years experience in Chemical industry specialized in Procurement / SCM / Trade.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Wide knowledge in Customs law and regulation.
- Good in producing knowledge and its function.
- Speak and write English fluently.
- Ability to operate computer (PC literacy and correspondence).
- Deadline: 30 Oktober 2023
3. Smelter Operation Readiness – Chief Accountant Financial Operation
Location : Gresik, East Java
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in Accounting.
- Has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Companys business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation
- And has minimum at least 5-7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or a managerial position as an internal / external auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer skills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties.
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Experiences with SAP Financial system
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
4. Smelter Operation Readiness – Chief Accountant Financial Audit and Budgeting
Location : Gresik, East Java
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in Accounting, has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Company’s business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation.
- Has minimum 5 up-to 7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or in a managerial position as an internal auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer and communication sills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Familiar with SAP
- Has a good knowledge of PSAK and US GAAP
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
5. Smelter Operation Readiness – Chief Account Receivables (Operation)
Location : Gresik
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in Management / Accounting. Has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Companys business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation and has minimum at least 5-7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or a managerial position as an internal / external auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer skills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties.
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Experiences with SAP Financial system
- Good knowledge of PSAK and IFRS
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
6. Smelter Operation Readiness – Chief Accountant Sales Finance
Location : Gresik, East Java
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in in Management / Accounting. Has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Company’s business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation and
- Has minimum at least 5-7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or a managerial position as an internal / external auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer skills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties.
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Experiences with SAP Financial system
- Good knowledge of PSAK and IFRS
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
7. Smelter Operation Readiness – Chief Accountant Cash Management
Location : Jakarta
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in Management / Accounting. Has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Company’s business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation and has minimum at least 5-7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or a managerial position as an internal / external auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer skills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties.
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Experiences with SAP Financial system
- Good knowledge of PSAK and IFRS
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
8. Smelter Operation Readiness – Head of Financial Operation & Closing
Location : Gresik, East Java
Minimum Education & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Accounting / Finance. He has deep knowledge in accounting, internal control function and related regulation with Company’s business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation.
- Has minimum 10 years’ experience in finance and accounting of a multinational company including a minimum of 15 up years in a senior position as an auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
- Fluent in English and Bahasa.
- Good computer and communication sills
- Good communication skills
- Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
- Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
- Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties
- Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
- Familiar with finance and banking environment
- Other standard and mandatory competencies.
- Deadline: 29 October 2023
- PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Tbk (PNM)
- Wilmar Group Indonesia
- Perum BULOG
- PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk
Cara melamar
Bagi yang berminat untuk melamar posisi ini, silahkan anda dapat DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan yang telah disediakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Jika Anda berminat untuk menjadi bagian dari PT Bumi Berkah Boga (Kopi Kenangan) Tbk dan meraih kesuksesan dalam karir Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini. Segera Daftar melalui tauatan dibawah ini sekarang juga !
Sumber :
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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