BerandaBUMNMandiri Talent Hunt 2025 : Bank Mandiri (Persero)
Lowongan Kerja

Mandiri Talent Hunt 2025 : Bank Mandiri (Persero)

Mandiri Talent Hunt 2025: PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk adalah salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia yang berstatus Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Didirikan pada 2 Oktober 1998 sebagai hasil dari penggabungan empat bank milik pemerintah, Bank Mandiri kini menjadi pemimpin dalam sektor perbankan dengan beragam layanan finansial unggulan. Sebagai perusahaan publik, Bank Mandiri mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan terus menjadi pilihan utama bagi individu, bisnis, hingga korporasi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan finansial mereka.

Dengan misi untuk menjadi mitra finansial terbaik bagi nasabah, Bank Mandiri menyediakan berbagai solusi keuangan, seperti layanan perbankan digital, kredit usaha, kartu kredit, investasi, hingga manajemen aset. Bank ini juga menjadi pelopor dalam transformasi digital dengan menghadirkan aplikasi Mandiri Online, Livin’ by Mandiri, dan solusi keuangan berbasis teknologi lainnya, untuk memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan bagi pelanggan.

Bank Mandiri memiliki jaringan luas yang mencakup lebih dari 2.500 cabang di seluruh Indonesia dan layanan internasional di berbagai negara. Dengan dukungan teknologi mutakhir, Bank Mandiri juga menawarkan layanan e-channel seperti ATM, EDC, internet banking, mobile banking, dan layanan Mandiri Cash Management untuk mendukung kebutuhan nasabah korporasi.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk sedang membuka peluang karier terbaru bagi individu yang berkompeten dan siap bergabung sebagai bagian dari tim profesional perusahaan. Kesempatan kerja ini menawarkan berbagai posisi strategis dengan persyaratan menarik, menjadikan ini peluang emas bagi Anda yang ingin mengembangkan karier di salah satu perusahaan terkemuka. Simak informasi lengkap mengenai posisi dan persyaratan di bawah ini.


1. Officer Development Program Business Enabler – Mandiri Talent Hunt 2025

Tanggal : 21 Februari 2025
Lokasi : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Job Description :

  • Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology would continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
  • To support our aspirations, our various business segments, and our strong performance-driven culture across the organization, Bank Mandiri is committed to attracting and retaining high-quality talents across the country to assure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed in an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate about helping you grow.
  • The ODP Business Enabler program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in Bank Mandiri, designed to create and develop leaders and professionals in various business-enabling functions, which include banking operations, finance, strategy, legal, human resources, market research, corporate communication, real estate management, and others. You will be trained by highly experienced bankers and leaders in various aspects of banking and leadership throughout your development journey. Starting off with an intensive in-class education followed by on-the-job training and rotation across different parts of the Bank’s support functions.

Requirements :

  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University
  • Grade Point Average:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
    • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills :

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
  • Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

Job Hiring Bank Mandiri – ODP Wholesale Banking & ODP Business Enabler

2. Officer Development Program Wholesale Banking for Treasury & International Banking – Mandiri Talent Hunt 2025

Job Description :

  • Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology would continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
  • To support our aspirations, our various business segments, and our strong performance-driven culture across the organization, Bank Mandiri is committed to attracting and retaining high quality talents across the country to assure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed in an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate to helping you grow.

Now, we are opening our ODP Wholesale BankingProgram specifically for Treasury & International Banking Directorate. The Treasury & International Banking Directorate consists of six groups:

  • Treasury Group: As a dominant player in the foreign exchange business, Bank Mandiri has the largest Dealing Room with an expansive network in Indonesia. As part of the Treasury Group, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge in liquidity management, asset-liability management, foreign exchange, money market, fixed income, and derivative trading.
  • Financial Institutions Business Group: As a bank, Bank Mandiri carries out business with a variety of Financial Institutions. As part of the Financial Institutions Business Group, you will effectively carry out business activities and business development with international and domestic financial institution (bank and non-bank) customers. You will also manage activities related to capital markets.
  • Transaction Banking Wholesale Group: As a bank committed to wholesale solutions, Bank Mandiri provides a variety of transaction banking solutions. As part of the Transaction Banking Wholesale Group, you will become a Wholesale Banker handling clients, providing transaction banking products, as well as advising on wholesale transactions.
  • Overseas Banking Network Group: As a global bank, Bank Mandiri has several foreign offices around the world. As part of the Overseas Banking Network Group, you will supervise and develop the business activities of overseas offices, ensuring synergy between parent entity and overseas branch offices and subsidiaries abroad.
  • Strategic Procurement Group: As the top bank in Indonesia, Bank Mandiri has large scale operations. As part of the Strategic Procurement Group, you will conduct strategic procurement for all of Bank Mandiri’s needs, you will also manage a variety of assets owned and managed by Bank Mandiri.
  • Office of Chief Economist: As a bank with a key role in the global economy, Bank Mandiri stays ahead in economic trends. As part of the Office of Chief Economist, you will conduct economic research to analyze industries and regions, as well act as advisory regarding economic and public policies.

In this program, you will be trained by highly experienced bankers and leaders in various aspects of Wholesale Banking and leadership. In your development journey, you will start off with an intensive in-class education. This is then followed by on-the-job training and rotation across different parts of the Bank, specifically in the Treasury and International Banking Directorate.  

Requirements :

  • Local/ International graduates (S1) and postgraduates (S2) from relevant fields of studies from a reputable University, such as Economic, International Relations, and Engineering
  • Grade Point Average:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
    • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia.

Basic Capability Requirements :

  • Good interpersonal skills; easily establishes good relationship with other people; build wide and effective networks of contacts; relates well to people at all levels.
  • Proactive and able to quickly learn new tasks; demonstrates an immediate understanding of newly presented information.
  • Takes responsibility and shows initiative for actions and works under own direction; shows high ownership for assigned responsibilities.
  • Makes quick and clear decisions; gathers comprehensive information to support decision making; considers potential risks and consequences in decision making.
  • Has good critical and analytical thinking; probes and digs deeper for further information and greater understanding of a problem; makes rational judgements from available information and analysis.
  • Able to do comprehensive problem solving with well-structured reasoning; able to convey ideas in a clear and structured manner.
  • Keeps up to date with competitor information and market trends; able to identify potential business opportunities for the organization.
  • Demonstrates financial awareness; controls costs and thinks in terms of profit, loss and added value.
  • Willing to be a part of related activities inside and outside of the organization, such as marketing activities with financial targets, as well as events with the organization or other relevant stakeholders.
  • Highly resilient and adaptable to changing circumstances; can comfortably work with ambiguity; receptive to new ideas and change initiatives; adapts interpersonal style to suit different people and situations; shows an interest in new experiences. 
  • Ability to work well with other people; can be a willing and effective team player.

3. Officer Development Program Regional Business – Mandiri Talent Hunt 2025

Job Description :

Tanggal: 18 Februari 2025
Lokasi : Universitas Brawijaya
  • Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology will continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
  • To support our aspirations, our various business segments, and our strong performance-driven culture across the organization, Bank Mandiri is committed to attracting and retaining high-quality talents across the country to ensure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed in an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate about helping you grow.
  • The ODP Regional Business program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in Bank Mandiri, designed to develop leaders and professional Retail Bankers, equipped with the skills and knowledge in Retail funding, lending, transactions, and services. You will be trained by highly experienced bankers and leaders in various aspects of Retail Banking and leadership throughout your development journey. Starting off with an intensive in-class education followed by on-the-job training and rotation across different parts of the Bank. Your development journey will include job exposure in the Branch/ Area/ Regional Office and/or the Head Office of our retail business segment (e.g., branch, deposits, wealth management, retail loans, retail transactions, etc).

Requirements :

  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University
  • Grade Point Average:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
    • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills :

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
  • Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

Job Hiring Bank Mandiri – ODP Regional Business


Cara melamar

Bagi yang berminat untuk melamar posisi ini, silahkan anda dapat DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan yang telah disediakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Jika Anda berminat dan meraih kesuksesan dalam karir Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini. Segera Daftar melalui tauatan dibawah ini sekarang juga!

ODP Wholesale BankingPENDAFTARAN
ODP Regional BusinessPENDAFTARAN

Batas akhir pendaftaran 12 Februari 2025

Perhatian :

  • Mohon untuk membaca informasi ini secara cermat dan menyeluruh.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria terbaik yang akan diikutsertakan dalam seleksi lanjutan.
  • Selama proses rekrutmen, tidak ada biaya yang akan dibebankan kepada pelamar.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan kami mengharapkan Anda untuk berbagi informasi ini dengan teman atau keluarga yang mungkin memerlukannya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang lowongan kerja di sektor BUMN, CPNS, atau sektor swasta lainnya, kunjungi situs web kami di

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