Lowongan Kerja PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk (CJ CGV) – PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk (CJ CGV) (“Perseroan”) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan CGV Cinemas didirikan pada tahun 2004 oleh sekelompok investor lokal yang memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam pengembangan properti, hiburan, dan usaha kewirausahaan.
Sebagai Pencari kerja, mendapatkan pekerjaan secepat mungkin pastinya menjadi hal yang diharapkan. Namun sayangnya, dengan banyaknya pesaing-pesaing yang ada mulai dari fresh graduate hingga para Pencari Kerja lain yang pindah dari pekerjaan, akan ada banyak lagi tantangan yang perlu dihadapi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian dalam Jangka waktu singkat.
Memang tidak diragukan lagi, dałam proses mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal yang paling krusial sebagai langkah awal dałam membangun jenjang karir. Meskipun begitu, terdapat cara mencari kerja tertentu yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan secepatnya.
Goletskerja.com berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di goletskerja.com bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk (CJ CGV)
PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk (CJ CGV) membuka kesempatan kepada para Jobseeker untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami, Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut posisi dan persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini :
1. CGV Chef
Responsibility :
- Ensure-hygiene and sanitation standard in area well-implemented
- Design food & beverage menu and promotion to be sold in CGV Kitchen
- Conduct regular training for kitchen staff / cook as day to day operation
- Analyze sales of menu items to determine improvement actions to increase CGV Kitchen performance
- Ordering, Stock Inventory, and Waste management control to maximize profitability
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree from Culinary or Hotel Industry
- Minimum 2 years experience in the same position
- Able to develop & create a menu with costing knowledge
- Understand and capable to control waste & stock inventory
- Have knowledge and skill with Western & Asian food
- Willing to work in shift on weekday/weekend
2. Digital Marketing Assistant Manager
Responsibility :
- Responsible for developing and implementing digital strategy to promote company’s brand & product
- MaintainScimprove CGV Online Channel, with Online featuré & Digital product
- Create’CGVOnline & Member Program/Promo
- Monitor & make sure F&B Online, Online Payment, Online Content, Food Delivery, Online Shop
- Manage & maintain Online Ticketing Partner
- Create & propose Online Ticketing Partner Program/Promo
- Promote CGV Online & Member at Onsite, Online & Partners
- Monitor & make sure administration CGV Online, Payment & Partner is running well
- Frequently create Plan & Report for CGV Online & Partner
Requirements :
- Minimum 5 years experience as Digital Marketing Lead
- Minimum 5 years in developing and implementing digital marketing strategies
- Preferable from Tech Company / Industries
- Know to work using CMS, Dashboard, & Cloud Based platform
- Have creativeideas & growth mindset
- Able to work in pressure, deadline, & timeline
- Good communication for Internal & External Partnership
- Goodin English & Bahasa Indonesia
3. Digital Marketing
Responsibility :
- Maintain & improve CGV Online Channel, with Online feature & Digital product
- Create CGV Online & Member Program/Promo
- Monitor & make sure F&B Online, Online Payment, Online Content, Food:Delivery, Online Shop
- Manage’& maintain Online Ticketing Partner
- Create & propose Online Ticketing Partner Program/Promo
- Promote CGV Online & Member at Onsite, Online & Partner
- Monitor & make sure administration CGV Online, Payment & Partner is running well
- Frequently create Plan & Report for CGV Online & Partner
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at last Associate Degree
- Preferable from Tech Company / Industries
- Often & familiar with Excel Formula Function for Reporting & analysis
- Often & familiar with Power Point for Presentation
- Know to work using CMS, Dashboard, & Cloud Based platform
- Have creative ideas & growth mindset
- Able to work in pressure, deadline, & timeline
- Good communication for Internal & External Partnership
- Good in English & Bahasa Indonesia
4. F&B Manager
Responsibility :
- Overall responsible for all operational components of Site Operational F&B Units to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the operations
- Responsible for the development and implementation of F&B’s‘annual business plan and medium-long term strategies, as well as establishing Key perfomance objectives to ensure that operational performance meets its business targets & drives suistanable, profitable growth
- Ensure a total compliance on F&B Brands standards across all site F&B Units and ensufe regular review/refresher training are delivered to all F&B Operators at sites
- Strategically plan all Marketing activities and actively involve on the execution process to ensure maximum exposure for all CGV Cinemas F&B Products
- Plan monthly promotional calendar (Activity, Program, Promo, Innovation, Collaboration)
- Trend keep-up, simultaneously Research & Development Activity and seek business collaboration opportunity such as External Partnership, E-Commerce Platform expansion & business collaboration,CGV channel platform upscale business function
Requirements :
- Minimum 5 years experience in marketing, branding specializedin F&B/Restaurant
- Experience on plan, launch & post-marketing activity & campaign
- Lifestyle trend catcher & able to provide insight on new hype in city (or overseas) that beneficial for CGV’s product
- Implement and evolve high-impact strategies to target new business opportunities & new markets
- Strategic thinker, capable of combining everydays activity & bestpractice with long term plans
5. Membership & Loyality (CRM) Marketing
Responsibility :
- Create & setup membership Policy & Benefit
- Manage & maintain membership Point, Loyalty, & Rewards
- Able to manage member Database & Segmentation
- Capableof CRM & Communication to Member/Customer
- Create CGV Member Program/Promo
- Manage & maintain CGV Member & Online Channel
- Promote CGV Member at Onsite, Online & Partners
- Monitor & make sure administration CGV Member & CGV Online is running well
- Frequently create Plan & Report for CGV Member & CGV Online
Requirements :
- Minimum 3 years experience in Membership & CRM Industries
- Candidate must possess at least Associate Degree
- Know to work using CMS, Dashboard, & Cloud Based platform
- Often & familiar with Excel Formula Function for Reporting & analysis
- Often & familiar with Power Point for Presentation
- PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya (Mayora Group)
- PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (TelkomSigma)
- PT Djarum
Cara melamar
Jika kalian yang memenuhi persyaratam/kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas, silahkan kirimkan berkas dokumen beserta CV ke email :
- [email protected] atau [email protected]
Subject Email : Posisi Yang Dilamar
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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