Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) – Susi Air, berdiri pada tahun 2004 oleh Susi Pudjiastuti, yang merupakan maskapai penerbangan Indonesia yang dioperasikan oleh PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation dengan penerbangan yang berjadwal & charter.
PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) yang berkantor pusat di Pangandaran – Jawa Barat, Susi Air beroperasi dari 5 (lima) basis utama yakni Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Balikpapan, Kendari, Cilacap dan Sentani.
Sebagai Pencari kerja, mendapatkan pekerjaan secepat mungkin pastinya menjadi hal yang diharapkan. Namun sayangnya, dengan banyaknya pesaing-pesaing yang ada mulai dari fresh graduate hingga para Pencari Kerja lain yang pindah dari pekerjaan, akan ada banyak lagi tantangan yang perlu dihadapi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian dalam Jangka waktu singkat.
Memang tidak diragukan lagi, dałam proses mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal yang paling krusial sebagai langkah awal dałam membangun jenjang karir. Meskipun begitu, terdapat cara mencari kerja tertentu yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan secepatnya.
Goletskerja.com berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di goletskerja.com bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yang sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.
Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)
PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) membuka kesempatan kepada para Jobseeker untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami, Siapkan segera berkas lamaran dan CV terbaru anda serta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut posisi dan persyaratannya, sialahkan simak dibawah ini :
Requirements :
- Diploma/Bachelor’s degree All Major from Reputable University
- Verbal and written English communication skill is a must
- Able to work individually and within a team
- Work well under pressure
- Good character, creative, innovative
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
- Skill in multitasking
- Excellent organizational skill
- Flexible in terms of working hours
- Able to work in an agile environment
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Benefit :
- International working environment
- Accommodation and daily meals will be provided by the company
Requirements :
- Diploma/Bachelor’s degree All Major from Reputable University
- Minimum experience 1 – 2 years as an HR Generalist
- Outstanding knowledge of MS Office; HRIS systems will be a plus
- Understanding of general human resources policies and procedures
- Good knowledge of employment/labor laws
- Verbal and written English communication skill is a must
- Able to work individually and within a team
- Work well under pressure
- Skill in multitasking
- Excellent organizational skill
- Flexible in terms of working hours
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
Benefit :
- Meal allowance will be provided by the company
Responsibilities :
- Troubleshoot and prepare: PC configuration, Notebook/Laptop, server, printer, wifi network, CCTV, Mikrotik, operating system, and application
- Handle inventory assets, make IT Budget Plans, search for IT equipment specifications and make price quotes
- Supporting the needs and handling of problems relating to IT
- Monitor and maintain systems, local servers, and computer networks
- Assisting operational activities around IT Support and Networking
- Control the supervision and maintenance of network infrastructure, network security systems, hardware, software, equipment and other IT equipment
Requirements :
- Minimum 2 years experience in IT Support and Networking (Fresh Graduates are welcome)
- Maximum age 30 years
- Networking (LAN, WAN, VPN, Wi-Fi, Server / SSH, DHCP
- Familiar with Mikrotik (wireless, routeros, radius server)
- Understand tasks as IT Support, Windows operating systems, Linux, and Ms. Office
- Dedicated and easy to work with
- English is a mandatory
Benefit :
- Meal allowance will be provided by the company
Responsibilities :
- Update website with the most current information
- Develop, test and deploy dynamic web-based solutions
- Develop mobile apps and or hybrid apps is a plus
- Integrate third party system like payment solution, travel agency
- Work collaboratively with business and operation to determine web templates, designs and user journey
- Work as back end and front end developer
Requirements :
- Minimum 2 years of web and mobile development experience
- Ability to manually code web frontend application
- Strong database experience with SQL and or NoSqI
- Proven experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
- Experience with AJAX, JSON
- Experience with E-commerce websites
- Able to integrate with 3rd party services
- Proven experience is REST API
- Able to develop using VueJs or NuxtJs, React or NextJs, Typescript is a great plus
- Experience in mobile or hybrid application (IOS and Android) is a great plus
- Positive attitude is expected
- Able to start work immediately or with short notice
- Ability to keep learning and adapt new web/mobile technologies
- Ability to handle pressure and work within tight schedules.
- English is a mandatory
Benefit :
- Meal allowance will be provided by the company
Responsibilities :
- They identify the legal risk in any documentation.
- The lawyers also guide the person on the assumed risk in a particular document.
- They are also responsible to interpret laws and different rules and regulations for the general public and people related to the juristic.
- A lawyer should also conduct proper research and gather evidence to make their case strong,
- They should also ensure that approvals are in order before any document is presented in court.
- A lawyer should also explain the law to clients and facilitate them with legal advice.
- Legal representation can also be offered as an arbitration.
- They should also create drafts of wills, properties, estates, contracts, and deeds.
- They are also expected to manage regulatory and compliance services for a legal firm.
- A lawyer should also be able to manage a team of legal assistants and paralegals across countries.
- They are also expected to make appearances in court.
- They are also expected to prepare legal notices and pleadings.
Requirements :
- They should have a bachelor’s degree in law.
- They should have been an attorney for at least 2 years.
- A lawyer should also have relevant experience in drafting legal documents for negotiation.
- They should also have experience in reviewing legal documents.
- They should also be well versed with Analytical abilities.
- Their legal concepts must also be strong and research skills should also be very strong.
- They should also be able to handle and work under pressure along with meeting deadlines.
- They can either work independently or also work as team members of a legal team.
- Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills are also vital for this role
Benefits :
- International working environment
- Accommodation and daily meal will be provided by the company
Requirements :
- Minimum 1-year work experience
- Good skill in making and analyzing company contracts
- Able to handle company documents and permits
- Good ability in handling legal issues, both civil and criminal
- Be mindful and have discretion with sensitive information
- Ability to communicate in written and spoken English
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
- Skill in multitasking
- Flexible in terms of working hours
Benefits :
- International working environment
- Accommodation and daily meal will be provided by the company
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor/Diploma Degree
- Minimum 2 years work experience in Media, digital agency, or other creative industries
- Creative professional with the technical skill for Adobe
- Photoshop, Al, and Illustrator and willing to work with a wide range of media (can using Figma will be a plus)
- Prior experience in branding and social media
- Social Media Digital Savvy
- Good in teamwork & managing workload
- High attention to detail and design aesthetics
- Able to translate a design brief into a visual
- Please attach your CV in English Version and Portfolio
- Digital Imaging will be plus
Benefits :
- Meal allowance will be provided by the company
- PT Citilink Indonesia
- PT Super Air Jet
- Lion Air Group
- PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)
- PT Angkasa Pura Support
Cara melamar
Jika kalian yang memenuhi persyaratam/kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas, silahkan kirimkan berkas dokumen beserta CV ke email :
- [email protected]
Subject Email : Posisi Yang Dilamar_Nama
Batas akhir pendaftaran 11 Januari 2023
Sumber Informasi Instagram : @susiairofficial
Perhatian :
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan Diploma Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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