BerandaTINGKATD3Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia - 8 Posisi Tersedia
Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia – 8 Posisi Tersedia

Tokopedia adalah salah satu perusahaan perdagangan yang menggunakan sistem elektronik atau sering di sebut dengan toko daring, berdiri sejak tahun 2009, kini Tokopedia telah bertransformasi mejadi sebuah unicorn yang memiliki pengaruh tidak hanya di Indonesia bahkan di Asia Tenggara, sampai saat ini Tokopedia termasuk goongan marketplace yang paling banyak di kunjuni oleh masyarakat Indonesia.

Tentang kami adalah situs Portal lowongan kerja yang menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia, mulai dari perusahaan BUMN, informasi CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta ternama, mulai dari kategori lowongan kerja SMAD3, sampai dengan S1-S2. Kami berkonsisten untuk selalu memberikan informasi terkini tentanng lowongan pekerjaan yang valid, semua informasi lowongan kerja di bersumber dari halaman resmi perusahan atau social media terpercaya yg sedang membuka rekrutmen yang mencari kandidat untuk bergabung jadi salah satu bagian dari perusahaannya.

Adapun hal-hal yang perlu untuk kamu perhatikan sebelum memelamar sebuah pekerjaan, yaitu mempersiapkan Surat Lamaran Kerja & Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter dan Portfolio, serta dokumen pendukung lainnya. Pada saat proses seleksi atau tahapan melakukan rekrutmen, setiap perusahaan mempunyai kebijakan yang berbeda-beda, tetapi pada umumnya terdapat tiga tahapan yang wajib kamu ketahui yaitu : Tahap seleksi adminstrasi atau Screening CV, Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, interview User, Tes Piskotes kerja.

Saat ini Tokopedia, membuka kembali lowongan kerja untuk para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama kami sebagai berikut :

Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia

Dibutuhkan :

1. Relationship Manager (Fashion Pria)

Qualifications :

  • Minimum of 2 years experience in merchant retention, partnership or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested.
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions. Must be clear, concise, and convincing.
  • Detail oriented team player with good planning and problem solving skills who is willing to go extra miles.
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment with minimal direction.
  • Proven experience in navigating the complexities of internal and external partnerships.
  • Ability to gain deep understanding of partner goals and objectives to structure a mutually beneficial solution

2. Relationship Manager (Fashion Wanita)

Qualifications :

  • Minimum of 2 years experience in merchant retention, partnership or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested.
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions. Must be clear, concise, and convincing.
  • Detail oriented team player with good planning and problem solving skills who is willing to go extra miles.
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment with minimal direction.
  • Proven experience in navigating the complexities of internal and external partnerships.
  • Ability to gain deep understanding of partner goals and objectives to structure a mutually beneficial solution

3. Relationship Manager (Fashion Muslim)

Qualifications :

  • Minimum of 2 years experience in merchant retention, partnership or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested.
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions. Must be clear, concise, and convincing.
  • Detail oriented team player with good planning and problem solving skills who is willing to go extra miles.
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment with minimal direction.
  • Proven experience in navigating the complexities of internal and external partnerships.
  • Ability to gain deep understanding of partner goals and objectives to structure a mutually beneficial solution

4. Relationship Manager (Home & Living)

Qualifications :

  • 1+ years experience in merchant retention, partnership, or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions.
  • Must be clear, concise, and convincing
  • Detail-oriented team player with good planning and problem-solving skills who is willing to go the extra miles
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction
  • Proven experience in navigating the complexities of internal and external partnerships
  • Ability to gain a deep understanding of partner goals and objectives to structure a mutually beneficial solution

5. Relationship Manager (Mom & Baby)

Qualifications :

  • 1+ years experience in merchant retention, partnership, or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions.
  • Must be clear, concise, and convincing
  • Detail-oriented team player with good planning and problem-solving skills who is willing to go the extra miles
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction

6. Relationship Manager (FMCG – Health)

Qualifications :

  • 1+ years experience in merchant retention, partnership, account management, or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions.
  • Must be clear, concise, and convincing
  • Detail-oriented team player with good planning and problem-solving skills who is willing to go the extra miles
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction

7. Relationship Manager (Handphone & Gadget)

Qualifications :

  • 1+ years experience in merchant retention, partnership, account management, or relationship management
  • Understanding about one of the category is suggested
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skill
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all organizational levels and across all functions.
  • Must be clear, concise, and convincing
  • Detail-oriented team player with good planning and problem-solving skills who is willing to go the extra miles
  • Sense of urgency for incident resolutions
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction
  • Experience in brand principles or enabler is a plus

8. Growth Marketing Specialist (Merchant)

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business, Computer Science or related fields. Fresh graduates may apply.
  • Understanding of the Customer Journey Experience.
  • Strong analytical skills, data-driven and delighted with statistical analysis and figures.
  • Ability to consistently produce quality output and meet tight deadlines in a high pressure, agile working environment.
  • Outstanding communication skills, collaborative spirit, delighted to work with other stakeholders (Marketing, Business, Product, Leadership).
  • A meticulous and detailed person with strong organization skills. 
  • Aspired to possess the technical skills and specializations of CRM/Retention Marketing.
  • Proficient in spoken & written English.
  • Experience in any of these specializations is a plus: Google Analytics, HTML & CSS, and Microsoft Excel.

Cara melamar

Jika berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang dibutuhkan Tokopedia, silahkan DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan berikut :

  • Pelamar yang lolos seleksi administrasi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi
  • Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
  • Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.

Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Lulusan Diploma Semuan Jurusan